
Sharing the Life Changing Message of Jesus Christ with the World.

Coastal Christian Church believes it pleases God to be active around the world with the message of the Gospel by showing and sharing the love of Jesus Christ. These are some of our world outreach efforts.

Compassion International

Monica and Brian are two children in Ecuador who receive our support for school, clothing and basic needs. We support them through the wonderful work of COMPASSION INTERNATIONAL.

Peace Mission Orphanage India

Pastor Roy Jacob, leader of Peace Mission Orphanage, Widows Home and Churches has shown us how to love the least of these through a pure devotion to Jesus Christ.

Faith Alive Churches Nigeria

Bishop EC Okoye and his team continue to win their world to Jesus through crusades and church planting. Our quarterly support to Faith Alive is a proven outreach. Our pastor has visited the Faith Alive Ministries in Nigeria five times and is impressed by their deep devotion to Christ in the face of acute poverty.

Haiti Mission

Pastor Chris and Christine Surber have a powerful ministry in Haiti doing what they can to lift up the downtrodden, rescue the perishing and bring light to a place of hardship and trials. Pastor Chris was an associate pastor at Kirk Church before deepening his training and finding this path to Haiti with his family. 

Hope House International Dominican Republic

It is the vision for Hope House to provide a long-term home to children who have been abandoned, neglected and abused.